The SIAD Group_ Chi siamo_ Video
Who we are: the SIAD Group
The SIAD Group_ Chi siamo_ Content 1
We are a Group specialized in Industrial Gases, Engineering, Healthcare, LPG and Natural Gas with sites in Europe and the rest of the world.
SIAD was founded in Bergamo in 1927.
SIAD’s main credentials include an unwavering commitment to quality, safety and environmental respect as well as social responsibility in relation to the community and the Group’s institutional counterparties.
The SIAD Group_ Chi siamo_ Our Business
The SIAD Group_ Chi siamo_ Sostenibilità
The sustainability strategy of SIAD Group
Thanks to corporate policies aimed at pursuing concrete objectives in terms of governance, environment, and society, SIAD places sustainability at the center of its constant expansion process. Learn more →
The SIAD Group_ Chi siamo_ Values
Chi siamo > Qualità e Certificazioni
Quality and Certifications
Our products and services embody unwavering quality and a culture of continuous improvement. We hold numerous certifications, demonstrating our dedication to excellence.
Chi siamo > Integrità e codice Etico
Integrity and Code of Ethics
SIAD's growth thrives on transparency, respect, and accountability. We uphold strict legal compliance, fair competition, and a steadfast commitment to quality, safety, and environmental well-being.
Chi siamo > Sicurezza e Responsible Care
Safety and Environment
The SIAD Group has always made safety and environmental protection its top priorities and this commitment.
SIAD has wholly adopted the principles of the Responsible Care Program, which it has adhered to since 1995.
Chi Siamo > belikequirino

Be Like Quirino
His far-sighted vision, sense of initiative and willingness to always find the right solution are the main characteristics of Quirino Sestini, our founder and carrier of a consolidated method that can bring added value to any situation.
Be like Quirino: discover more
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Contatti_ sostenibilità
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Call us: +39 035 328111
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Our Supply Chains:
We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and respecting the environment. For more information on our sustainability strategy, write to us: