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“Prof. Quirino Sestini and Dr. Bernardo Sestini” scholarships

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“Prof. Quirino Sestini and Dr. Bernardo Sestini” scholarships

In 2013, the SIAD Sestini Foundation joined forces with the Giulio Natta technical college in Bergamo to create and promote four scholarships in the names of Quirino Sestini and Bernardo Sestini for students of the institute.

The scholarship initiative is intended to contribute to the scientific training of students who, living at a time of rapid technological change, must treat scientific research as an essential part of their personal and professional development.

The themes of education and research are already inherent in the very names of the scholarships: SIAD Group founders Quirino Sestini and his son Bernardo were both professors of chemistry at the Paleocapa Institute (out of which the Natta technical college was created in the 1970s), and developed numerous patented inventions, including the porous mass that led to the establishment of SIAD in 1927.